On the ground floor of the house, an area that is only accessible from the outside and is therefore available to all residents has been separated off as a fitness room. In the fitness room there is a cardio area as well as a separate strength area.
This room is not suitable for children due to the risk of injury and should therefore not be entered by them.
You can reach this area via the rear entrance on the ground floor. You can open the locks with your apartment locks:
- Fitness room 1: cardio area with 2 cardio machines
- Fitness room 2: weight area with weight bench and barbells / weights
cost of use
The fitness area is available to our guests free of charge
Aktivierung, Zugang und Benutzungsregeln
Es ist keine Aktivierung notwendig.
Der Fitnessbereich kann mit den Schlüsseln der Wohnung geöffnet werden.
Die Regeln zur Nutzung entnehmen Sie bitte unserer Hausordnung.
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Herzliche Grüße
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