
Directions to the property

The Casa Albero property can be found on Google Maps as follows:

- Search for "Casa Albero Imperia"

- Link

- Google Maps Plus code "W273 36 Borgo Sant'Agata, Imperia, Italy"

Please use Google Maps to get there, we have found that built-in navigation systems often suggest a much more complicated and narrower route. The best, and only recommended (!), way is from the district of Oneglia via Google Maps past the "Ospedale" hospital.

To do this, please google Enter "Ospedale, Imperia Italy" or "Hospital Imperia" as an intermediate destination , otherwise you will be directed via a very, very narrow road.

Above all, the intermediate destination hospital is important!

There are 2 other routes that we do not recommend:

- the approach via Porto Maurizio is very narrow and steep in some places

- the approach via Oneglia via the serpentine road of the Strada Communale di Francesi is extremely narrow, the serpentines can only be driven by reversing in the curve

If the direct approach should not be possible for any reason (construction site, accident), the slightly longer and more winding alternative route via Bestagno can be driven from "back" to the property. In this case, the waypoint "Via Provinciale, 2, 18027 Bestagno IM, Italy" must be entered.

We wish you a safe journey.

Map excerpt current approach via Ospidale

Map excerpt of the longer alternative route Approaching from "behind" via Bestagno

Map section of not recommended short serpentine route

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