Imperia Klima

Imperia - the best climate in Italy

Imperia has the best climate compared to Italian provincial capitals. According to a comparative study by the business newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore"*, the Italian city has the best climate of all 107 provincial capitals in the country. With 799 points, Imperia is ahead of Catania (733) and Pescara (729). All 107 cities between Sicily and Piedmont were compared. It was about the number of hours of sunshine, humidity, gusts of wind, cold days below 3 degrees, fog, rain and various other parameters. In Imperia, for example, the thermometer only exceeds 30 degrees on 30 days in the summer. And as far as foggy days are concerned - Imperia doesn't know them at all. Exact details can be found on the Italian website:

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